Software Testing and Quality Assurance

Technocon Solutions is a premier Software Testing and Quality Assurance Company in Qatar that provides exceptional QA Services to businesses. Software Testing and Quality Assurance play a crucial role in ensuring that software products are of high quality, meet customer expectations, and comply with industry standards and regulations.

Some of the advantages of opting for Software Testing and Quality Assurance are:

  • Minimizing Defects and Errors
  • Meeting Customer Expectations
  • Cost savings
  • Compliance


Services Offered by Technocon Solutions

Automation Testing

Manual Testing

What is Software Testing and Quality Assurance?

Software Testing is a process that involves executing software applications or systems with the intent of finding defects, errors, or bugs in the software. The goal of software testing is to verify that the software application or system performs as intended, meets the requirements, and is free from defects.

Quality Assurance is a set of activities designed to ensure that the software development process is performed in a standardized and systematic manner. The objective of Quality Assurance is to provide confidence that the software product meets the required quality standards and that the development process is executed consistently.

Together, Software Testing and Quality Assurance play a critical role in ensuring that software products are reliable, meet customer expectations, and perform their intended functions with high quality.

Our Expertise in Tools and Technologies

Programming LanguagesJava, JavaScript
Web AutomationSelenium, Katalon Studio, HP UFT, Perfecto, BrowserStack
Mobile AutomationAppium, Perfecto
Build ToolsMaven, Jenkins, TestFlight and HockeyApp
API/Web-Service TestingPostman, SoapUI, Advanced Rest Client
Database TestingMSSQL, MySQL, SQLLite, PostgressSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra
Performance TestingJMeter, BlazeMeter, HP LoadRunner
Mobile Device FarmPerfecto, Amazon
Test Case ManagementZephyr, TestRail, Testopia, MSExcel
Bug Tracking ToolsJIRA, TFS, Odoo, Redmine, Bugzilla, Mantis, MSExcel